My nightmare…

by Sankinator on October 17, 2011

I read what other people write and I’m full of envy. I wish I could be the creative writer I’ve always dreamed of being. The problem is that life always gets in the fucking way.

There are very few times in my day that I could honestly not say “I’d rather be writing.”

I often think about how much better of a writer I would be if I only had the time to seriously sharpen my skills. If I have any skill that is. Come on now, just look at the first sentence of this paragraph, holy shit do I need some help!

I remember someone telling me that being good at anything takes dedication, at least 40 hours a week. To be great at anything you have to eat, sleep and shit that very thing 24/7.

I’ll never be good at anything!

My demons are strong today…

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